La Meridiana International School of Sculpture Presents
Inspirations from the Italian Renaissance and Beyond
A Ceramic workshop in Tuscany with
LISA REINERTSON - JUNE 4th – 17th 2017
The Workshop
In this workshop Lisa Reinertson will guide
students in an exploration of figurative ceramic sculpture inspired both by
working from life, and by the great figurative sculptures of the Italian
To get the inspirational juices going, we
will begin the week with a visit to Florence and the Bargello Museum to see the
amazing sculptures of the Italian Renaissance including works by Donatello, Michelangelo,
and Della Robbia.
In the studio, we will spend our
first five mornings working with a live model, doing figure studies in
bas-relief, and small 3-D figure studies. In the afternoons, we will each work
on a mid-size hollow built sculpture inspired by the artwork seen in Florence. Lisa
will work alongside the students providing demonstrations, and plenty of one on
one feedback.

For More Information:
Please send me an email through my website. Also see:
International Centre of Ceramics in Tuscany
For Booking Contact: